The Boys Josh Sherwell and Kai Hing both came out of the Arnette Australian Titles with heads held high! With Kai winning the U16 Boys division and Sherwell coming 7th in the 18 boys! Also our two warriors came 2nd in their Allstars Divisions. Josh also came out of the event with two new sponsors of Arnette Sunglasses and Sly underwear.

Sherwell said when he got home,
"the water was bloody freezing! and the waves were powerful... It was good to go down with the boys i stayed with. I came to the conclusion that listening to Blink-182 or TBS (Taking Back Sunday) is the best artist personally to listen to before going out for a heat. Tom's voice gets me pumped to go out and throw down haha"
And went on to say how his training (which i was present) consisted of SCHOOLIES, Chicks, Booze, Blink182 and partying with the boys! He even gave up his bed for me.. He wouldnt go out on Cavill Av without his Macbeths on.
I still havent spoken to Kai yet, though there has been picture after picture of him being chaired up the beach by Josh in every paper.